Love Poem: Words, Actions, Feelings, Leading To Realization
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Written by: Laura Hew

Words, Actions, Feelings, Leading To Realization

Cradling my dreams

Tossing and turning

The words so eloquently hanging in space

Are consequently just as they were described


Filled with fluff and not enough substance
I want to give you the world


And everything that fills those cracks in between

Wanting only to feel closer

In the end 
Free falling into a pit of your disappointment


My mistakes choke me as the black water envelops my ears

As I am only pulled further, deeper

Shrouded in my own self hatred

My eyes have become a lighthouse for disaster 

Leading you closer to me

Nearer to your own destruction

Set your sails to escape the darkness that I am

Raise your sights upon something higher

Follow the horizon line that takes you far from me

I try to fix it but in the end I chase you further away

Actions speak louder than words

How can it be that I show you the monumental effect your life has on me?


As if a thousand snowflakes soared through the sky kissing my skin as they 

Hanging by a thread in time

The fire of this moment 

where your eyes meet my gaze

 warms my cheeks and brings redness to these comatose lips

You breathe life into this lifeless world

The stars hang their heads

On nights where I have lost my way

Your face is dearly missed, I feel alone

Collecting the dust on nights that are the brightest

Hope is what will help me return to you one day

Feeling the separation of our two hearts 

Hating every miserable moment of it
Cold, the feeling which in turn is

The rhythmic dance from within, but

Is stuck



It is the distance, my rival

The emperor and final ruling of all my destruction 

Fight? I must first escape to surive it

Diving from the highest point

My last thoughts are on you my love

In that jumping forever, could never compare to the moment we fell in love

Is it worth it?

Without it, nothing is worth anything

Proclaiming my love at the top of my lungs

Ringing from the corners of the world

 In the end what we are doing is

Resisting the lies others have spoken

Holding onto the truth

There is no one that will ever be as wonderful to me other then you