Love Poem: Wonderfully Weird
John Beam Avatar
Written by: John Beam

Wonderfully Weird

Be not the dilettante from lack nor want                                                                                                                                      It maybe a eucatastrophe and not a cacophony                                                                                                                    Be the avant-garde or let it still haunt                                                                                                                                            It is not that hard, no need for the ennui                                                                                                                                          It’s like Déjà vu, why all the floccinaucinihilipilification                                                                                                                             Set yourself free, be overly baroque                                                                                                                                       Fear not the liripipe’s gripe and pontification                                                                                                               Set sail with elan, let bureaucracy choke                                                                                                                      Forever carte blanche for words are wily and kylie                                                                                                                    Among us the mumpsimus but the ride is altogether bona fide