Love Poem: With Heartfelt Appreciation To Poetry Soup and Soupers
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Written by: Gershon Wolf

With Heartfelt Appreciation To Poetry Soup and Soupers

At the age of but ten, I didn't open a lemonade stand
  I was afraid to ask my dad for permission

At the age of twenty, I was scared to ask out my honey
  I couldn't face the thought of rejection

At the age of thirty, I didn't stay in the Holy Land
  I lacked requisite faith in Israel's mission

At the age of forty, I didn't leave town upon divorcing
  I didn't quite trust my intuition

At the age of fifty, I didn't start my own school
  I didn't have the guts to follow my passion

At the age of sixty, I kept postponing health decisions
  I put my trust in hopin' and wishin'

Then on the way to retirement I joined Poetry Soup
And thanks to my new friends' kind words of nutrition
  I write poems like this--
  Of my own free will and volition