Love Poem: Why Should We Pray
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

Why Should We Pray

People ask Why?
Why Should we pray
If God has everything planned
There is no point then
But God Has His Divine Reasons

As We can See..
God wants us.. His Children.. to come to Him
Show Him.. how much We Love Him
For He Loves Us
God Has His Divine Reasons

Just like You.. Love Your child 
You want Your child.. 
to come to You.. Right?
Show You their Love.. 
Don't You?
Or to have Your child to Ask.. You  
And Not be afraid to ask you anything
If ever your child was in need.. 
Wouldn't You want Your Child to?
Wouldn't You also.. 
Want to hear Your child say
                "I Love You " 
Out of Your Love.. for Your child.. 
Wouldn't You.. want to give Your Child 
The very Best..
Even when things do happen... for many reasons
To our Children.. tis can be bad or good
But.. You have your reasons.. 
but tis beyond their understanding
But tis always for the Best of Your Child
You have Your Human Reasons 

Tis the Same..

God Wants to give Us.. Out of His Love
His Very Best
Even when things do happen.. For many reasons
To us all.. God's Children tis can be Bad or good
God has His Reasons.. 
But beyond our understanding
tis always for our best God's Children 
God Has His Divine Reasons

When was the Last time
You prayed.. 
said to Our Father of Lights
I Love You!!!
For God is Love.. 
He wants Us to Love Him
For He Loved Us First

Come Show Your Love
Come to Jesus in Prayer
Talk to Our Father of Lights
Fellowship with Him
For God Has His Reasons
Don't You?

All tis for Our Best
To bring Us.. God's Children.. Closer unto Him

Come to Jesus