Love Poem: Who Are You Really
Michelle Morris Avatar
Written by: Michelle Morris

Who Are You Really

Most people, for whatever reason, do not spend any time alone. They often don't even know who they really are... And many are afraid to know. Only by spending time alone can you face yourself, for better or worse, and choose who you want to be... And move towards making a change. 

Who are you really? 
By Michelle Morris

Who are you... 
When you're all alone? 
When no-one watches...? 

When you breathe is it
A calm or storm?
When you think is it
Dark or warm?
When you feel do
You feel
Love or harm?

Who are you really...
Behind the mask? 
Facade of
Devil or angel...?
Villain or hero...?
Or a shade of
In between...?

Who are you really?
And who do you
Want to be?

It can change right now;
Whatever you choose,
It is not set in stone.

The choice is yours
To be good...
Inside and out;
Mask not required -
Soul's destiny intact.

© Michelle Morris, 2023