Love Poem: Wherever



Wherever, you go
I pray you always remember;
My unending concern and deepest,
Truest desires for you.

I know you may forget - 
To the cruel hands of time
My long lost name,
But, still i hope you remember always
The sweet and lingering feelings
My name once denotes,
The truest intentions I have for you.

I hope you remember my smile,
Because I still see yours,
In my mind's eye
Oh how could I ever forget?
Your heart melting, 
Soul stripping, charming laughter
The  brightest smile,  i ever came across.

I could never forget,
The mushy sonorous sound,
Of your scintillating voice,
Those sounds that silenced,
All my fears.

Wherever you may be,
I hope you are okay,
And feel proud
When you hear my name
Or think of me
Because, nothing compares,
The ecstasy I feel,
When a thought of you comes to heart.