Love Poem: Where Rainbows Breathe
Zayid  Muhammad Avatar
Written by: Zayid Muhammad

Where Rainbows Breathe

where rainbows breathe
(for the late Dorothy Collins, 1961-2015)
by ‘bro. zayid’

just chasing rainbows…
“And I ain’t seen a star that’s had your smile…
“I’m just chasing rainbows… 
“Like a butterfly
zooming through the sky…”
   Chasin Rainbows, Blue Magic(1975)

what happens when loves dies…
when a star
personal and tender
falls from the sky…
after the acidic vat of tears u burn
bleaches yr landscape’s face
after yr mountain of anger
rages and explodes
after the impaling thirst of absence
real and sudden and permanent
empties you from inside…
what do u do?
what do u do?
when a star
personal and tender
falls from the sky
icing yr heart
freezing yr summer
blurring yr rainbows…
what do u do?...
u carry that love
like yr life depends on it
because it does
and u let it be…
let it run river rich and raw
from yr heart
to the very soles of yr feet
and let it guide yr remaining steps
towards preserving and protecting and fulfilling
all the love left 
here to be found in this realm…
let it leap from yr heart
to the back of yr mind
the very seat of soul consciousness
where yr sea of salty tears were born…
where those memories of a lifetime
pure and full 
like breast milk
honeyed sweet…
let it flow from yr heart
aching and huge
to yr tongue
on yr thirsty starving crying tongue
where its taste will dance 
on and on forever…
carry that love
cradle that love…
let nothing or no one
come anywhere near the candlelight 
glow of love u once knew in her eyes
and let it simmer in yr own eyes…
let it be…
let it flow like a river’s heartbeat
sparkling and rich
to a sweet place
to a personal place
to an evergreen eternal place
where u can always taste that love
to an untouchable place
where the plume of that love’s candle
radiates on forever
an elect place 
a special place 
where rainbows breathe and leap
from the mouth of god…
a personal 
where stars do not fall
where stars do not fall…

“the days have turned to teardrops
falling colder than the snow…
“the ups and downs
are getting me down.
“it’s no wonder that I’m cold
“so until the day the eagle flies,
I’ll wait for you.
“until I hold u close again, 
I’ll pray for you…
“memories of me 
sing this song for you…
just chasing rainbows,
and I aint seen a star that’s had yr smile…
chasing rainbows, 
like a butterfly 
I’m zooming through the sky…”

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