Love Poem: Where Love Lies

Where Love Lies

Where does love lie?
Many are clueless, some go paranoid
Trying to seek out meaningless solutions
And answers in the pages of a book;
They consult mediums and spiritualists
They even go the extra length seeking answers
From the church and from the mosque
Yet they are left without answers.
They claim to know God
Yet they regard their fellow humans as vermin
Vermin meant to be trampled under the feet.
In their confused state,
Love is but an elusive concept far beyond their reach.
The rich also cry
They accumulate so much wealth and riches
In their brazen destabilized state
They seek for happiness
They dole out a large chunk of their wealth
To the Pastors, Imams and Herbalists
Thinking that they can buy love
They fail to realize that love lies with them
But it lies elsewhere.
God is an epitome of love
So the Bible and the Qur'an says.
Every religion preaches love
Yet love seems far beyond their reach.
Many seek love, yet they fail in their search for it.
What many fail to realize is that- if God is love,
Then we are an embodiment of love
So love shouldn’t be beyond our reach
Rather it should be with us.
God is love
Love is God
Money, riches and evil cannot buy love.
Love lies in a cool calm place,
A special repository designed by God to welcome LOVE
That place is no other place than our HEARTS.
Those who seek love are sure to find it
For it lies in their hearts
Waiting to be harnessed, waiting to be discovered.
It is elusive because most persons have failed 
To open up their hearts to welcome and feel it
Open thy hearts to love today and let it love flow unhindered.