Love Poem: Where Frozen Embers Still Burn
Earl Schumacker Avatar
Written by: Earl Schumacker

Where Frozen Embers Still Burn

Where Frozen Embers Still Burn

Canyons scorched over time by an overburdened sun lust
A desolate lost soul still wonders blindly back
On that past, the darkened prairie grass, and covered dust
Where rain fell, love began, then turned icy black

Confused, buried through time, recalling if you ever were mine
Glimmers of gold discovered there that memories retain
Scattered rocks, sharper than my mind, thoughts refined
Landscape with solid features remains untainted in refrain  

Our love was silent born on golden morning’s mist
Only a sad sun remembers everything that lasts
Silence in the quiet open air recounts every little kiss 
Forgetting nothing in the embers of our souls that passed

Cold winters ice etched us beyond simple lust
 Memory retains those golden laws of life divine
Still keep their secrets silent born in trust 
Covers that distant morning when you were mine

Entered Rhonda Johnson-Saunder's Poetry Contest on 12/23/14 "Your Best Romantic Poem of 2014"  Original Post 8/18/14