Love Poem: Where Did You Go When I Turned Around
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Written by: Faith Dye

Where Did You Go When I Turned Around

Where have you been, I've missed you so
 You were only this big now look at you go
 now you're 4 you're not 3 like you were before
 now you're 5 oh my gosh how does this work, how can you soar
 like a bird high up in the sky 
 when I'm not looking your 5 feet high
 you're too pretty you really are
 you look like somebody on tv like a movie star
where's that chubby baby where did you go
 you are going out on the town and with boys
 you are beautiful at your prom
 I am such a proud mom
 then you go off on your own
 and I of course feel all alone
 I have what they call empty nest
 where I have a lot of free time and the rest
 I don't like this, you're away from me
 I can't rock my little baby
 I have to let you find your own way
 cut those apron strings and you can fly and say
 mom, "I'll still call you it's not like I've left the country"
 but to me you are way far away to a foreign city
 I still love you to the moon and back and always will
 you will always be the "baby" and if you are ill
 and if you need me, just call me, I mean it
 I'll be there in a minute
 you are part of me
 and I'm part of you
 we will always be 
 as you will see