Love Poem: Whence the Music Stops Dance Deftly

Whence the Music Stops Dance Deftly

Last night Rose won the 
2021 Final of BBC 
Strictly Come Dancing

Please do yourself a favor if you 
possibly can and watch her winning
Dance where the Music Stops

And tell me your faith in mankind
and humanity is in some small way not restored


Once upon a time

A miracle of such magnitude occurs 
that all the world's tomorrow will never
be the same from that magical moment 

Unto the most beautiful , precious little 
deaf girl called Rose and so to the rest
of the world as well

As you see she danced and danced with 
such deftly joyous pleasure and zeal

Not a single note of music could be heard 
above the tears 

As she herself rose and rose and rose

Until she rose to such dizzy drunken heights

She could eventually be seen as she had 
always prayed and had wished to be seen

As merely simply a girl after all like
any or all the other girl's

Never did she knowingly realize she 
was in fact by far so , so much better

She was in reality the real Cinderella
whom the fairytale foretold all of us

1 day indeed would not only get to 
dance at the ball

But be the Belle of all our heart's

God Bless you Rose