Love Poem: When
Fritz Purdum Avatar
Written by: Fritz Purdum


In the stillness of a clear summer eve
I gaze upon eternity's countless stars
Amazed at the vastness of space
Who am I on such a scale?
What is living life?
Where do I exist?
Why am I here?
When will we know?
When?   when...

I exist for I live
Or do I?
Am I just a passing thought
A slight indigestion
A low wind
Of an bored dreamless Being?
Suffering from insomnia
From the constant murmurs
Of billions upon billions
Of tiny souls voicing prayers
Begging for mercy
Pleading for blessings
Asking for vengeance
Billions and billions of sounds
Twinkle into the heavens as stars
Disrupting tranquility
Disturbing balance
Destroying cosmic tones of harmony
Deluding truth
Detesting self guilt for forgiveness
When will we know?

I close my eyes and sigh
Blinking back at the twinkling of star dust
That spirals waves of light
Like beads of glass hope
Shattering into shards of broken visions
Stinging the sweat upon my face
With wisps of coolness of night's air
I sit up and stare back
At the greatness of space
When will we know... Happiness

When I was a little boy I grasped my sisters hands
When we would sing and dance in circles
When the day was done and evening was fun
When mom and dad would laugh together
When neighbors came over to visit
When friends joined the circle
When dogs would jump and bark with joy
When time was innocent and simple
When life was easy as a smile
When happiness visited us often
When we knew love by being loved
When we knew love ...
When we knew.