Love Poem: What Is Love
Emmanuel Johnson Avatar
Written by: Emmanuel Johnson

What Is Love

I feel like I'm in it,
trapped by it's walls, bound to the corner
where you are all I see
All I need, All I think I need
Is love something you find
Something that binds, 
Lately I hear it is poetry 
Knowing me I might give her a letter
Address her as an immaculate object
Stamp it with my heart's approval... Then think
Should I send it to her?
"No, yes, no, yes, no, maybe later..."
Love is really an argument with yourself
"No it isn't, yes it is, no it isn't..."
Is love temporary, 
is it a mental state that no one needs?
God loves us more than we love him
I thought love was a give and take
Where both sides give and both sides take
Love is the light in the abyss of darkness
Where you are Helen Keller to the world
Blind to what you see but not to what you feel
And what you feel is right
So you become a Spartan, a warrior
Fighting for what is right
And what is right is what you feel
And what you feel is love:
Passion that will make you go the extra mile
Loyalty that will make you fight to the ends of the earth
Strength that drives you away from the corner 
Courage to look at the world as an ant in your biosphere
Freedom to be who you are
And the Pursuit of the Happiness your heart yearns for