Love Poem: What I Want For Christmas
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

What I Want For Christmas

For Christmas this year, I know what I hope for…
Treasures that can’t be purchased in a store.
These gifts come from the heart and soul,
Giving back to the giver so much of God’s hope

For Christmas this year, I know what I truly want…
Riches that aren’t material possessions.
But, gifts that whisper of joy, hope and peace,
All the feelings that will come from the above

For Christmas this year, I know what I yearn for….
Pearls that aren’t worth money, but are worth hoping,
They bring sweetest memories and dreams inspired
By the Lord of heaven, my friend, Jesus Christ

For Christmas this year, I know what means the most…
Gold that glitters so brightly with inspiration and joy
Feelings found through a relationship with the one
Who brings peace to the entire world with His love

For Christmas this year, I know what my heart craves…
Fortunes discovered within the spirit’s heart,
Gentle joys that come from living life with God
And knowing His Son, the reason for Christmas hope

For Christmas this year, I know the meaning of the word.
It is the peace that comes from truly knowing Jesus lives within…
Where He can always be a real best friend and give me reasons…
To give back to Him all my best motives, ideas, dreams and feelings

December 5, 2019

What You Want For Christmas Poetry Contest
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