Love Poem: What Did She Say
Bill Ryan Avatar
Written by: Bill Ryan

What Did She Say

She kissed me hard and rolled out of bed

Gave me that funny look as she leaned her head

So I asked, " What's bothering you? "

The answer was ," She just didn't know what to do."

Her ideas struck me as some what strange

From the ones before she's a refreshing change

Saying if each day we only got the briefest of time

With her no matter what it would be just fine

As long as when at night she went to bed

One of my pillows was under her head

I couldn't help but asked if she didn't really want something more

She kissed me lightly saying I had no idea what was in store

Telling me she wasn't afraid of the hunt at all

And like or not one day I'd surely fall

Our arrangement hasn't been one night with some wine that's cheap

For her it was the start of building the things she wanted to keep

There was no competition and not much of a race

If I decided to run she was up for the chase

I listened to the words as I looked her right in the eye

She then kissed me again smiled and said Good Bye

Maybe she wanted my head in some kind of mess

Six hours latter and in my head the words are still fresh

No doubt she knew just what those words meant

Because the last 20 years together is how it's been spent

She's not on earth with us this given day

Yet I still hear all the words she had to say

I still see her face with her head at a tilt

Look around and you'll see everything that we built

It all happened so fast no time for Good Bye

Until I see her again for love there's no reason to try!

An Uncle Charlie original
© 2011 unclecharlie