Love Poem: What Bliss Is
Edward Ibeh Avatar
Written by: Edward Ibeh

What Bliss Is

Wrapping me in plenary comfort with your loving arms
Heartbeats, yours and mine, beating in unison. Your...
Amorous glance that makes my happy soul dance
Telling me how much you love me, and vice versa

Being loved by you unconditionally
Loving you unconditionally, in return, warts and all
Inundating me with your passionate kisses, your charms
Seducing me hopelessly with a dazzling, bewitching...
Smile that never quits your face. Darling, its like sunshine!

Imagining paradise with just you and I in it
Spoiling me rotten with my favorite things

Submitted for...
Strand Choice 4,Any Form,Any Theme Poetry Contest (Winner: 3rd Place)
Sponsored by: Brian Strand 
Date: 01/23/2020

Date: 07/20/2019