Love Poem: What Are We

What Are We

What are we but vibrant green leaves in the foliage of the tree of life, soon to be turned brown and fall before others take their place? 

What are we but fast-moving waves on the surface of the ocean of humanity, heading towards the shores of oblivion where they break up and die? 
What are we but wandering clouds, chased across the sky of existence by the winds of necessity and consumed by the sun of voracious time?

Let us ponder for a while, my loving friends,

Let us try to answer this:

How sensible is it to waste our ephemeral life by
Hurting one another?  

Wouldn't it preferable be, 
more holy and wiser
Only love, us to harbor in our hearts and
Nothing other?   

© Demetrios Trifiatis
  20 OCTOBER 2014