Love Poem: We Went To a Movie Today
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Written by: Rick Rucker

We Went To a Movie Today

We Went To A Movie Today By Rick Rucker We went to a movie today, About two oldsters that had let it slip away, They still cared about each other, But were living like sister, and brother, They had forgotten how to be In Love, Minds fogged by the daily push and shove, A wedge driven between their lives, Turning off their normal drives, So far afield they had come, Intimacy, they had run away from, Reconnecting, such a loathsome task, That neither had the guts to ask, So each one paddled his own boat, Trying to keep it afloat, Not seeing that, with two on the oars, It would have lessened, by far, the chores, As directors are wont to do, He let them, finally, break through, And recommit to Love, Promising to the One Above, Their fealty, for all Time, But, isn’t that a crime? Do we have to lose it all, Must we stumble, and nearly fall, Before we can truly see, That, In Love, is the way to be? So, before you reach that point, Your Lover’s body, you should anoint, With expensive oils, and loving scents, To be sure, between you, there is no fence. Tell her what she means to you, That without her, you would be through, If you do this right, You both will have a special night, When you finally fall asleep, Each will have the other’s Heart to Keep!