Love Poem: Hokey-Pokey Taoist Dance
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Hokey-Pokey Taoist Dance

What goes up
must come down.
What goes out
must come in.
What goes before
must have also come behind.
What folds
must unfold.
When time is knotted
it must unknot.
When space explains radiantly
then time implies mutually gravitationally and cooperatively,
and concavely.
What information organizes square rootedly
must decompose fractally and binomially,
in binary octaves of reverse Win-Win hierarchy.

We place love as apex of our hierarchy of values,
but what we most love is health-full justice for all,
including ourselves of course,
and what might such rich peace become
while being sufficiency of time to live love together fully,
with full-octaved integrity?
as our daily incarnational belonging habitat
both within our metaphysical vortexed eco-landscape
and without our vertexed physical-biosystemic ego-manscape.

Perhaps we might grow more permaculturally accurate,
and balanced,
more harmonically loving,
more crystal-fractal Commons-Clear,
when our primal vocation re-issues forth transgenerational health,
transgenetically and transgenerically therapeutic,
across all paradigms and identities,
all metasystems and love-lives,
all spacetime,
all Yang with Yin

To regenerate our mutually elation-filled CrownTherapy
optimally decomposed with polycultural RootAnalysis,
as we have power of memory and imagination of possible futures
to swim and fly and breathe bicamerally co-belonging love
rather than wilt mono-longing entropically apart.

Make love not war,
in metasystemic
polypathic orthodox languages 
and orthopraxis of health/wealth choice.

We are paralyzed by fear and despair and anger and envy
that we do not know and have everything,
or at least not enough,
about and for ourselves,
about nonviolent sustainability of fragile egos.

At the same time,
when we do believe we know and have everything we want
we merely demonstrate remarkable lack of curiosity
about Others,
about before and after
about what our wants and needs and loves and hopes look like 
when we network them all together.

I can more fully comprehend myself
when I more fully comprehend our evolving co-intelligent temporal funtion itself,

The more we uncover our heart and mind DNA integrity
the more empowering our physical and metaphysical nutrient streams
dwelling in,
swelling out,
from Tao that is our (0)-Core Soul,
our sole,
our soil,
our rooted seed,
like an acorn to a tree,
evolving from trembling tendril,
emerging through past incarnations,
reincarnating through future annual rings
of our Tree of Life's multiculturing root system,
absorbing Earth's enriching economy
of permacultured rich political compost.

Original intent and meaning
purpose and teleology
of each event and moment,
each life and planet,
each language and paradigm,
each system and muse languaged universe,
may be considered deductively 
from a historical and scientific perspective
or compassionately-inductively 
from a cultural and metaphysical paradigm

Either way
space ordinally explicates what time non-polynomially implicates,
binomially intuits as co-gravitating primal relating,
metasystemically binds and boundaries 
and double-negatives as binary balanced
trigonometric temporal-linear,
polynomially-positively organizing information,
assuming a 4-equi-dimensional spacetime universe
both thermodynamically and electromagnetically balanced fractally,
as did Einstein, and Bucky Fuller,
in his primal assumption underlying our SpaceTime Theory of Prime Relativity
as Eco-Cooperative Relationality.

And, Einstein's Prime Relationship assumption
that space-cubed equals linear bilateral time-squared
is one we all are invited to continue cooperatively sharing
as metasystemically ecotherapeutic
rather than unraveling and flying apart
with toxic over-populating competitive climate changes,
and cognitive-emotive dissonance,
and emergent anthropocentric autism,
and collective dimentia,
growing politically rabid
when we could choose peacefully balanced economic ecologic
of transtheistic just design.

What deductively grows Left hemispheric
evolves coincident intuitively balanced Left/Right bicameral information

What goes dominant
might evolve recessive
until we land together on transmillennial tipping points
toward zeroistic Tao balance.

What radiates out
gravitates in
then we turn ourselves about
inside out.