Love Poem: We Didn'T Know It Was You, Lord
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Written by: William Robinson

We Didn'T Know It Was You, Lord

To Bethlehem Judah they came,
On a cold, winter night, with the wind blowing wild.
The man led a donkey, which carried a woman,
And the woman was heavy with child.
It was easy to see that her time was at hand, 
That she was tired, weary, and worn.
No room at the inn--they were shown to a stable--
What an unlikely place for a king to be born.
They mocked Him and spat in His face.
They savagely whipped Him, and crowned Him with thorns.
They showed Him no mercy, but cruelly abused Him,
Till His body was bleeding and torn.
To appease the wild mob, He was, then, crucified,
For crimes that He'd never done.
They laughed as He died on a cross, on the hillside.
What an unholy way to respond to God’s Son.
Take care as you travel, my friend,
How you relate to others you meet on life’s road.
Remember to love them and think kindly of them
As you help them to carry their load.
There is always someone you can help on the way,
If you will but take time to see.
Remember these words, spoken by Jesus,
“As you have done unto these my brothers and sisters,
--you have done even so unto Me.”