Love Poem: We Are Trading God's Laws With Our Own Laws
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

We Are Trading God's Laws With Our Own Laws

Too often, our country embraces
 an ungodly cause.
And end up passing a “new” set of laws.

As God’s holy truth is being abandoned.
We come up with another law, at random!

What once were our laws for many years.
Are being removed… With little tears.

As more people “indulge” in ungodly things.
The wrath of God, is what this brings!

What’s pure and holy, seems not to be relevant.
More ungodly sets of laws are clearly evident!

The past foundations are now being destroyed.
So this new “freedom” can be “enjoyed.”

This country is being destroyed from within.
By the new “tolerance” of so much sin!

We can try to pretend that we’re “wise.”
But in the end, we’ll find it’s all LIES!

As the relevance of God, seems to disappear.
His judgment draws ever so near!

I’m going to live for God,
 in the “old fashioned” way!
And will live by what his
 words have to say!

God was here! Before any of us existed!
Let’s not get his truth  
“confused” or “twisted!”

By Jim Pemberton