Love Poem: We Are Blessed
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Written by: Dave Timperley

We Are Blessed

I oft' cast a sidelong glance at this woman I love,
She's been at my side so long,sent from God above,
When I look out at the dawn, I kneel and pray,
Thanking God for her presence for just one more day.
She has been my anchor on the rough seas of life,
I am blessed beyond tears for my wonderful wife.
We go out for a drive in the countryside to see,
This beautiful land that has now come to be,
Our home here in Cyprus until we are set free.
From this earthly bondage in a world of sin,
In heaven with Jesus we both long to be.
Until that time, Our Lord keeps us here,
Happy most times though we shed the odd tear,
We have settled in this land, nice people we find,
As we journey through life,most are loving and kind.
Sometimes the old life beckons from a far off shore,
Where our children dwell, all of whom we adore.
Life is good when they come to our home on the hill,
But when they leave we find that it is a bitter pill.
Back on our own, in our home on the hill in Armou,
But we're never alone, for Lord, we have You.
©  Dave Timperley 06 August 2016