Love Poem: Waves
Davina Browne Avatar
Written by: Davina Browne


Walking slowly up to the water,
 Waves consume her feet, 
The cold ocean takes away the breath from her lungs, 
Thoughts of life without him, 
Haunts her daydreams, 
Moving slowly in to the ocean,
 Holding in the scream that wants to break free,
 Has the ice cold water stinks her skin, 
The sea pebbles slimy her bare feet,
 Ocean water reaching her whist line,
 She struggles to breathe against the pain, 
That now is rushing through her blood stream,
 Eyes starting to glass as memories of them over welled her mind, 
The whimper that leaves her lips is full of emotion, 
Slowly a lonely tear embraces her cheekbone and drifts ever so slowly,
 As she watches it descent down her face it's met by another, 
The two tears join and are sent crashing to meet the ocean, 
They ripple has they met,
 The pain makes her soul leave its shell,
 That used to hold it,
 Used to keep it captive.
 Now she's sharing at herself has the final piece breaks away from her heart,
 She’s screaming at herself to pick up the piece that has just sunk in the ocean.
 But it's too late,
 It’s just rick shaded off the pebbles and sent in to a million tiny bits,
She remembers the day finally felt something and all too soon it will be gone.
 Moving forward in the ocean the freezing temperatures make her breasts hurt or could it be where her heart used to be,
 She's still struggling to breathe as the sobs what air she was holding,
 She drifts under the water surface,
 Her eyes still open,
 Has the thoughts and images flash before her, 
The song cop car plays smoothly to the picture slideshow in her mind, 
All the photos on the swing at her place innocent it all was, 
Unfortunately until she placed herself over him, 
Her eyes closing slowly,
His face comes to her focus,
His saying to swim up turn around go back, 
She shakes her head she's in pain and bubbles start to slip out of her lips,
He get angry with her and start to shout,
Please go back your being selfish it's not your time, 
She's frustrated with herself,
She knows he speaks the truth, 
But under water only truth can be said,
 So she gives up the last of her breath to say to scream, 
I love you,
 Bubbles float through the water and pop when they reach the surface and everything turns dark, calm washes over her,
 Her soul watches the bubbles pop under the surface of the ocean and they pop in the middle of the floating flower headband,
 And then she knew her body had given up.