Love Poem: Warning-Poisoned By Love
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Written by: Winged Warrior

Warning-Poisoned By Love

Dissolving death
                                     thru passionate eyes, I take
                               one last breath before the guilty guise,
                           buried alive before skies of grey, entombed
                          immortal in loves betray. I drank the elixir of
                          liquid desire, imprisoned by love with tangled 
                           wire, I fell from Olympus a god in exile, as I
                            look for an escape resistance is futile. I am
                             ++++               +++++              ++++
                              +++                +++++              ++++
                               ++++             +++++              +++
                                 +++++        ++++++         ++++
                                   bones petrified shedding dust from
                                 a black veil bride    frozen in time and
                              +horrified +++++     +++++mortified.+
                                recycled dreams          +silent screams
                                  a demons den     +      a rusted pen
                                           +reliving death again+
                                           a thousand devils wide
                                           where skulls do reside.
                                           ++   ++  ++  ++  ++
                                           ++   ++  ++  ++  ++
                                           ++   ++  ++  ++  ++
      ++++++                                                                           ++++++
     +++++++                                                                         +++++++
      ++++++++                                                                   ++++++++
          ++++++++                                                            ++++++++
                  ++++++                                                       ++++++
                     ++++++                                                  ++++++
                        ++++++                                             ++++++
                           ++++++                                        ++++++
                                 +++++                                  +++++
                                     +++++                           +++++
                                          ++++                      ++++
                                              ++++                ++++
                                                   +++           +++
                                                      +++      +++
                                                       ++++   ++++
                                                     ++++       ++++
                                                   ++++           ++++
                                                 ++++               ++++
                                              ++++                    ++++
                                          +++++                       +++++
                                        +++++                           +++++
                                    ++++++                                ++++++
                                  ++++++                                    ++++++
                                ++++++                                          ++++++
                              ++++++                                              ++++++
                            ++++++                                                   ++++++
                         ++++++                                                        ++++++
                    +++++++                                                              +++++++
                     ++++++                                                                   +++++
                       ++++                                                                         +++

Aug.25.2018 Picture It Sponsored by: Maureen McGreavy Alice Cooper - Poison (Cover By Oriana Curls) N/A for contest