Love Poem: War Between Heart and Mind - Dictionary Fun
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Written by: Dont Givein

War Between Heart and Mind - Dictionary Fun

I am the Abomination  that you must escape from

    day in and day out
My Inner soul will love you for always.

The Affection of your touch was only ever too tender
the thing I cherished most from life back then.

You stopped by yesterday… Why I’m not sure
	I got scorned by my foes
	    for being with you again		`
	        but I don’t care
		the bloom in happiness you gave me
		    was incredible
		       …but I should’ve known better.
    The Flame we previously shared was rekindled 
Our relationship was heaven last time
              while it lasted.
I can’t get attached again to you,
just to be torn apart
 	from all I knew….  
The taste of your cologne is miserable because
My passion for you is stronger 
                                    than the mountains are old.

I know better, but I’m Yearning for your touch once more
    you grab hold of my heart
	Swing me around like a waltz
	     I am bamboozled by your charm
		the shine in your eyes
I struggle in attempt to tear myself apart from you, again
	    All the ones I have ever loved
			I’ve lost in the past.
				You mean too much to me…. I can’t get attached
						Ever again