Love Poem: Walking On Broken Glass With Verse In Portugese
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Written by: Michael Poyntz

Walking On Broken Glass With Verse In Portugese

thought that I knew all of the footsteps
I would follow in the journey of my life
but the man in the moon smiled
and destiny asked my stars to dance
you turned my way…I felt my life change
the gentleness and honesty of our first kiss
feeling you reach into my inner-most soul
within seconds…needing you…wanting you forever

pensei que conhecia todos os passos
que iria seguir em minha jornada
mas o homen na lua sorria
e o destino chamou nossas estrelas para dancar
voce mudou meu rumo…senti minha vida mudar
a suavidade e honestidade do nosso primerio beijo
que me fez sentir o seu toque no mais profundo de minha alma
precisando de voce…querendo voce…para sempre e por um dia

afternoons spent side by side
waves of emotion caught within shifting sand
passionate moments…tender dreams coming true
the hunger of a shared kiss…no one else can see
you stir my soul…you alone touch me like no one else
we have shared promises and confessions without word
you are the air that I breath
I would walk on broken glass to be by your side once again