Love Poem: Walk In His Light
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Written by: Ronald Bingham

Walk In His Light

Satan you are the night, while my Savior is the day
   Satan you hide in the dark, like a thief stalking your prey.
My Savior becons me to the light, telling me all is okay.
   Follow Me my child, He says, for I am the way.
I will lead you to heaven and my Fathers throne.
   I shall never forsake you or leave you to stand alone.
I am your Shepherd, and I watch over you, like a shepherd tends his flock.
   When you turn to me, I shall not cast the first stone nor shall I cast any rocks.
I died for you, to set you free.
   And I forgive you, your sins, should you choose to follow Me.
This life that we lead while walking this earth .
   Is nothing more than an ember burning brightly in the hearth.
Like a snowflake that falls in the heat of the summer.
   A mere whisper, nothing more than a soft spoken murmur.
It's the choices we make that determines our eternal fate.
   Jesus just wants us on board before time runs out, and it's too late
There is only two paths that we can follow, and the choice is not hard.
   I choose to follow Jesus I know He is my Lord.
Should you choose the other path, then destruction will surely be your goal.
   And I know this, Satan will never have mercy on you nor your soul. 
Follow Jesus, He is the only way.
   He's reaching out, recieve Him, Let today be the day