Villanelle: If Only the World Were Such As To Be Just - 1
Villanelle: If only the World were such as to be just – 1
If only the World were such as to be just
Then all girls would be born all all beautiful
And men would be the lame laid sex without lust
If only the girls were all all free as dust
And men could pick and choose and ditch them sackful
If only the World were such as to be just
If only in test-tubes girls their eggs entrust
Then men would much work find their clawing hands full
Would then men be the lame laid sex without lust
If only lifelong hour-glass shape girls love must
Through whirls twists and twirls be not at all bashful
If only the World were such as to be just
If only the girls in their joints did not rust
While men could lay themselves down just wonderful
Would then men be the lame laid sex without lust
Would men then cheat on spouses neglect thwart trust
And at every swaying dame steal an eyeful
If only the World were such as to be just
Would men then be the lame laid sex without lust
© T. Wignesan – Paris, 2015