Love Poem: Venus Dance
Christuraj Alex Avatar
Written by: Christuraj Alex

Venus Dance

The breath-taking rhythm and rhyme of the cosmic music
Venus dances in a little circle around the Earth.
Composed of five heart-shaped movements, psychotherapeutic
Isn't she the embodiment of love, beauty, and mirth?

Comprehensive courses in cohesion and cognition
Heart-shaped inferior and superior conjunction
A form akin to the petals of a primrose fission
spins clockwise on her axis with a flesh-blood affection.

Be gentle, sensitive, and compassionate. Venus says
Taste a planet of beauty, harmony, and aesthetics.
Unravel the mysteries of your romantic world ways
She presents and inspires gem-like feminine magnetics.

Problem-solving, risk-taking, compassion, all so intense 
Your dance, O Venus, ever compresses good or bad sense.