Love Poem: Valentines Day Let Me Count the Ways
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Written by: Shahana Jackson

Valentines Day Let Me Count the Ways

Dear valentines day,
         I write you a letter to say let me count the ways it sucks when you make me feel 
deprived. It sucks when you make my boyfriend pretend that he loves me with a bundle of 
flowers and a box of candy. I know he'd rather be with her and I know she probably got 
some roses as well. I hate that you make my best friend cry because she has no one to 
spend the day with. She is a vision, a beauty and all she can see is her dateless self as 
insignificant. Dear Valentines day I love how you make " single people" feel like their 
not ok just being alone, when two days ago I could have sworn I saw them at a rally 
screaming independence rules. Now I see them sulking, Their not proud on this day... I 
wonder why Valentines? Why do you make them feel afraid. Let's get to the cheery part of 
this day for all the people who thing I am just being a downer on this lovers holiday. 
All the holding and valentines day cards they hardly mean anything and will probably be 
thrown out tomorrow. But you still make this into a something big, Every broke guy just 
trying to make a living has to surprise his Mercesdes riding girl friend who is so rich 
she doesn't notice the romance is draining. When he surprises her with flowers or she 
surprises him with candle light dinners " they don't even seem to notice that the other 
is trying to be romantic. Instead they say things like" Oh baby I have to work late" And 
oh honey you shouldn't have where's there jewelry"? L-O-V-E a four letter word that 
started this whole thing. If your lucky enough to know how you feel I don't think you 
would need a holiday to celebrate what's already in your heart. I know occasionally you 
forget to say I love you, and occasionally you don't remember Annerversaries but it's in 
there somewhere and I don't need flowers as a symbol that you care. I want to feel it in 
your touch, your compassion, they way you kiss... It should always be filled for fire 
works. So I say dump this holiday and let it sink. Maybe as it's falling some of the 
hearts that turned cold will start falling again as well.