Love Poem: V1ct0rzzz 10v3
Chez Williamson Avatar
Written by: Chez Williamson

V1ct0rzzz 10v3

*For my sweety*                                                                                                     y
Forgive me                                                                                                               o
I have stolen somebody's baby                                                                               u
So soft                                                                                                                     s
Buzz, buzz in your ear                                                                                             l
A bumble bee follows you everywhere                                                                    e
With a wet one, just for you                                                                                    e
It's coming your way                                                                                               p
And riding a storm                                                                                                   p
So it should be there today                                                                                     r
I am that bee, can't you see                                                                                   e
I'll sting you if you don't watch me closely                                                               t    
Now what started off in your closet                                                                          t
Might be leaving you in dark                                                                                    y
I hope you still love me too.                                                                                   :)