Love Poem: Upstanding


For the years to come I want you to be upstanding 
Cheering me on as I'll be picking up my accolades 
For the hard work that I've put through the years
It was a matter of time before everyone saw my star 

Some saw it as far as Burj Khalifa, Dubai
Under the desert skies full of humidity
And just like the towering skyscrapers there
I'll be piling one accolades after the other 

For years I wrote in the confine of my mind
Until I was able to write in other people's minds
I live in most of them, that's why I even got here
For they didn't have to see the light for them to follow 

Some saw it in the struggle as I labored to rhyme
Till it came so easy for me that's why I've  been delivering 
Each & every time that's why I make you all smile
Cause its happiness I spread & spread something more ?? 

Remain upstanding just a little more 
Till I take to that stage and say my speech
Cause all those days and nights lead to this 
But it's all you who believed that have kept me going 

The PO£T