Love Poem: Upsidedown Pyramid
Jay Del Fierro Avatar
Written by: Jay Del Fierro

Upsidedown Pyramid

                                                             W E
                                                           N  O  T  
                                       FOUND  WANTING TO ESCAPE 
                                           FROM                        WITHIN'  
                                              TRAP       OF        FLESH 
                                                    U          &               I  
                                                MAY                          NOT  
                                           FIND                             MAGIC 
                                       NUMBER'S OR NAME'S  HIDING
                                                            B  U  T

Trapped within' angle's of falling pyramid's
Inner Spirit enmeshed in flesh , contained
By those capable of incantation's , which
Human nature's predictability has fallen
Controlled by those influencing behavior

Must rise above through the "hourglass".....