Love Poem: Up 2 Us

Up 2 Us

EARTH is our beloved home, it is like NO other place we yet know of in the entire Universe, full of life, love, beauty, excitement, and wonders almost beyond imagination, yet we abuse it and take it for granted every DAY ...

And it is overflowing with hatred and misery right now, on a scale that's truly incomparable to anything in our past ... we HAVE to start fighting the animosity and the lies and the apathy, or there will be no future for our progeny, or a world worth living in ...

HATRED has to end, and the only TRUE place we need to fight it is in our hearts, because hatred begins AND ends in EACH of us! Please ... I'm no better than ANYone - I have my own hatred - but I'm TRYing to recognize it and change, and that has to be the priority for ALL of us ...

Or this beautiful, wondrous, miracle of a planet ... is DOOMED.