Love Poem: Untitled


For a while I thought of love's never existence in me 
I thought of its genesis being the first and last for me 
But now I feel like I'm at a retake of a love undying and a new thought addiction 
Somehow it feels like an addiction deja vu 
The thoughts and dreams I had with a man I never knew 
I feel like a feast of him in my forever word filled life 
It's in how he fills the blanks of my love's desire 
The way he fills the blanks of my unwritten poems 
It's in the little movements and expressions he seems to put to action when with me 
I remember how he felt on my love dehydrated skin 
How he held and handled me 
His breath and sweat on me 
And the spit in the comfort of his lips 
I swear for a moment I wanted to dive in - 
Dive in with no heart nor soul protection for I trusted his handling 
Oh my! I saved myself from the slavery of the thoughts of him 
His warmth and countless kisses 
Where's my heart at? 
Where are my thoughts in this trip of love waves and sails? 
Am I already deep in this ocean or right beside the shore with hopes not to drown? 
It feels deep already for the questions I had already answered 
Flashbacks of his intimate company continues to shower my mind 
Flashforwards already in take 
And the words come to mind, 
I've reached revelation 
I fell in love