Love Poem: Unchosen Love
Hosea Griffith Avatar
Written by: Hosea Griffith

Unchosen Love

They said I fell too hard for you.
I said otherwise.
They said I was lost in the "heat of the moment".
But I know my feelings.
I knew I loved you.
I loved you like I loved no other...
Did you love me.?

We started our relationship on a fairy's wing.
We were newly weds in need of bad romance.
But I wasn't ready...
not yet.

You called me every night.
But after a month or so...
I hardly heard you voice at all.

You were aching to say "I love you."
But after a month or so...
I was aching to hear you say it.

You were ready and willing to start our relationship.
But after a month or so...
You showed yourself more than capable of ending it.

When you left me
You forgot to lift the spell that had me bound to you.
I had no choice but to love you...
even though you left me.

And as of right now...
I still love you...
although it's been a year and three months
since I last saw you.
But until you lift that trance
I will never be
Over you.