Love Poem: Two Years Later-No Surrender-Part 2 of the Summer Time
Brian Baskin Avatar
Written by: Brian Baskin

Two Years Later-No Surrender-Part 2 of the Summer Time

Its two years later now and we found each other again, you slowly let me back in your heart 
and i gave you the key to mine to forever keep close

we came back together and kept the promise of forever and ever alive

It might have been a short time ago we got together but I knew I wanted to spend my life 
with you for the rest of my life

but then came the bumps in the road as I knew they would because no relationship is perfect 
nor is a family

Its impossible, some say a fight between loved ones are always bad but its not true, you 
know they love you if they fight back for their point, well my love Its the same with bumps

 We lose faith sometimes in a relationship but its all apart of life, its impossible for anything to 
be perfect because if it was what could a couple beat together to grow stronger?

we broke down and tears fell down our faces but I still fought to keep us together

I guess It wasn't good enough but i'll keep on trying, I won't surrender

I won't surrender to losing you, I'll continue to say I Love You forever and ever

because I will never surrender!