Love Poem: Truths
Mark Morris  Avatar
Written by: Mark Morris


As another wench fails to tie tiger’s tail, the bear is let loose again.

Honey was shared, but hearts weren’t paired, so the shark resumes his top fin.

It’s hard to regret Ethiopian whets, and the taste of turmeric sticks too.
Yet all was shut down, when he polished the crown. That fool tried to place it on you. 

Fondness grew.

as the absence increased, and emoticons ceased, what was left were tendencies raw. The tendencies come in various hums, while truths stay locked behind  jaws, and maybe the draws, which were scantily protected from powerhouse paws.

Hey! Let’s give this sharp dame a strong round of applause!

Let’s sing out her praises, as legions once did! Let’s spring for them braids, and let’s get them nails did!


remain sonic, ‘cause her sway is bionic, and nature will always prevail. But prepare thee to cry, because numbers don’t lie, and the scale shows we once again failed.

The tiger’s tail, tied not by the wench, means the bear has been turned loose again.