Love Poem: Truth, Lies and the Light
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Written by: Kim Rodrigues

Truth, Lies and the Light


Who do you believe?
Does it match?
Should it?
“What is truth,” asked Pontius Pilate.
We throw the truth around like a sports ball.
We laugh, we play the game.
Do we SEEK truth or do we grabbag it?
Do we believe our peers?
Do we believe the minority, the majority?
Do we perform a few mind tricks?
Do we go to school to learn the truth?
Does truth matter?
Or do we pull the rabbit out of the hat?
Do we unwind a scroll to tell us all about it?
Do we make it up?
Do we lie?
Does it matter?
Are we just fed up, mad?
So is it emotion or truth?
Do we believe all that we see with our eyes,
Ears, senses, even lenses?
I grew up with -
believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.
The older i get the more i believe
Because my old eyes fail me
And i often hear things incorrectly
Not to mention
All the nonsense needled into my veins
Even what i think i say cannot be trusted
What i always believe in is love
Opening doors
Saying hello
Comforting the discouraged
Listening intently with my heart
Not darting my eyes to and fro
While i talk to you
Not raging - i can’t see you then
When all goes dark i close my eyes and look up
Centered i can now see with open eyes the light


*John 18:38