Love Poem: Trust Issues

Trust Issues

The way I feel is so unhappy 
Happiness ran away
Drift away crisscrossed in different patterns
No longer in love/
 Changing Faces  when I look at you/
My disposition changes/ 
Anticipating Love Wishing IT  Was You was the one for me.   
 Sitting in the lonely house with no counterpart 
The upside down effect you choose the wrong deck of cards now you play the hand you was dealt with.  This what happens when don’t kept your trust

This what I call Trust Issues This is Trust Issues when you ever been with someone so long and They never was connect  to your  emotions 
This is what happens when you look me in my eyes and tell me you love me  it was all LIES!!!
 Once was in love with my potential wife now she became distant lover.
 The way I feel you  couldn’t even comprehend I invite you last week for a conference meeting  you lead me to believe that we  could re kindle are love. 
 Understand the Way I feel right now you can’t grasp my love listen to my inner thoughts. You tell me you love me but love is not something THAT YOU LACK  pretend to be something you not. 
Money doesn’t buy Happiness love is costly and you cost me lot of dreams and they all became a Nightmare!!!