Love Poem: Trust


“Trust...”the most important thing in life...
Once broken. It’s gone...
Gone very slowly from life…
Trust lives in the heart…
It stays very warm...
It makes things grow...
It is the sunshine of life...
When the trust is broken...
And the heart is wounded...
The trust slowly drips out from the wound...
You can’t hold it. You can’t catch it...
It will keep on dripping until it’s gone
To the last drop the heart held...
Where there is no trust...
The heart is cold and love is breathless...
Relationship turns to a hell...
All you want to do is run off...
Love is trust. Trust is love...
Trust is white blank paper...
Small wrongs and mistakes are black dots...
Make sure the paper is always white as snow...
With out keeping black dots remaining...
Because once trust is gone...
You can’t bring it back or...
You can’t love the same anymore..!
Be trustworthy to the person you love...
Because everything matters on trust..!

Dilupa Wijegunasekara
12th of Feb, 2012