Love Poem: True Love Waits

True Love Waits

Oh, in time I loved you so much Henri, from our very first kiss I was smitten; but forever love was not meant to be, when you read what my doctor had written. You knew about all the tests going on, you must have had a clue that things were wrong; my seeing was bad and in time would be gone, you said little and I knew- I must be strong. A few days later you were packing bags, a Montreal job just too good to let go; silence and lack of comment were the flags, I guessed that you would not stay for the show. A handsome guy like you with a blind girl, and with no desire in giving it a whirl. Oh, my heart was broken and just shattered, when you went out that door for the last time; my emotions were scattered and tattered, I wept a lot both daytime and nighttime. But . . . . . I forgive you Henri, I just do, I get it- not the life you had wanted; so away like a frightened bird you flew- at first I felt unloved and unwanted. But inside me a great strength was growing, I would- and could go on without Henri; and treasure moments even though knowing, my life in time will be a vast dark sea. You called me weeping with guilt and regret, I forgive- and in time I may forget. ______________________ October 7, 2016 Poetry/Sonnet/True Love Waits Copyright Protected, ID 16-836-257-0 All Rights Reserved. Written under Pseudonym.