Love Poem: True Goddess
Pauly Plaster J.R. Avatar
Written by: Pauly Plaster J.R.

True Goddess

This feeling washes over me in a cool wave, something that I am not familiar 
Within this life, it is strange Deja-Vu. A familiar yet vague feeling. I know 
Your scent. You've put life back in the rickety bones of this ol' devil. I'm 
Overwhelmed, I have yet to stop Trembling. My goose bumps have goose bumps. You 
Truly are magickal in more ways than you could ever understand. I have tears of 
Joy in my eyes and an undying love in my heart. This is an alien notion. I'm 
Perplexed, I'm enthralled by you. You're real. I know you. I've always known 
You. Are you the memory of the Celtic goddess Dea Matrona? You are the fertile 
Soil. Towards the Pantheon, onward driven up the mountain. There was you. You're 
The furthest from a stranger. I want to reside within your bones. I'm the bird 
in you rib cage. It’s all true. The scrying pound speaketh of you. Your lips. 
Your flesh... My worship. My praise beset by an unworthy tongue. I hold no court 
For your true glory. Your light Burns so bright, I feel my atoms shall combust 
With a mere interaction with your divine gaze. I'm a simple creature in the 
midst of holy notes. My mind and body could never fully decipher. Fodder for
spirit. Honey of vibration. Water of color. I haven't any fear. I welcome you.