Love Poem: Trash
Evan Nelson Avatar
Written by: Evan Nelson


Everything we are told as a child is true, me for example.
Everything they told me is true 
Why should you think any different 
All my life has been nothing but pain and I honestly think I deserved it
I deserved the pain when I was young is a constant reminder that I will always be nothing 
I will only be trash 
Because who could love something that is only a bringer of pain
I only give what I was always given as a child
The whipping 
The beating 
I had it coming 
I could have stopped it but what was the point 
Why stop what you brought upon yourself
I will always be nothing more then trash 
I will always be reminded of it
I can never do anything right when I was young 
And it has not changed 
I will go to Hell
But honestly what is Hell but something of the mind
Something we trick ourselves into thinking is bad
If Hell is of the mind
I go there every time I close my eye 
And there is no saving me from a pain that is written down in stone
I will die with no love for no one can love the soulless.  
I often sit in wonder,
I know my life is good now, I have my wife and maybe someday children
But one day they will leave me because they will see me for what I am
They will put me on the curb like everyone else
Or be like those who cant
And just pretend to love me 
Just because they have pity for me.
I know I cant become anything in this world
I may go to school or work at a job but its so I can feel like im doing something
But I know it will be for nothing 
Because how can nothing have something?
You may read this and criticize me,
He is strange
He is weird.
I am who I am because of what happen.
Until you understand that, I don’t need you pity.
I don’t need people to remind me I’m trash.
I already know.