Love Poem: Tough Love
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Tough Love

My evolving definition of Tough Love:

Messages sent by someone with political-economic power over you,
sent by an authoritative administrator of future positive 
and/or negative 
intending some version of
"my way or the highway,
Win-Lose strategic communication.

MyWay v. LoserWay proposals
imply their victim's response
will either result in Win-Win
or Lose-Lose health and nutrition outcomes
for both predator and prey
within this rhetorical choice event
of AngerFear motivators for LovePeace 
mutually co-mentoring WinWin outcome design.

Predator is typically internally conflicted
by the ambivalence of noble willpower
while negatively co-mentoring mutually-competitive
double-negative-negative intent.

Decision of parasite,
vis-a-vis Host's Tough Love Position
heavily influenced by degree of currently known environmental support
for WinWin option
as compared to LoseLose game rules established by Host-Predator.

Significant environmental considerations
may be cooperatively positive
and/or competitively negative
with both the WinWin frame
and the LoseLose oppositional-defiant frame,
inclusive of,
but seldom limited to,
the parasite's relationship to the ToughLove Message Originator
and Host.

CoMentoring Parasites
wishing to transition ToughLove messages from Ego-Self-Empowered Hosts,
might suggest looking together
at how the Parasite position Wins
short-term and long-term
and how the Host position Wins
short-term and long-term regenerational health and safety-trends;

Then compare those Wins
to what the Parasite position Loses
short-term and long-term
and how the Host position Loses
short-term and long-term
what might be missed opportunities
for optimizing regenerational health and contentment,
love and peace
by continuing the Parasite-Victim's
current LovePeace status quo,
v. AngerFear control and trajectory
toward further disease and cognitive-affective dissonance.

At this point,
it might be possible for both the Hosting ToughLove Predator
and the CoParasitically Present Victim
to engage in some dialectical conversation
about how we might achieve healthy cooperative
peace with regenerative loving kindness, 

It might help,
in this regard,
to co-define perameters for
"short-term" and "long-term",
somewhere between the range of
short as timeless-now PresentMoment emergence,
and long as time's eternally regenerative self-consciousness, 
folding and unfolding and refolding and prefolding syntax within
co-arising bicameral mindbodies.

It could also be more positively regenerative,
to agree on a scale of potential win and lose outcomes,
with optimal win polarity described as 
PolyCultural Global Bliss and Peace
and Love with Justice for all Earth Tribes,
and lose outcomes trending more toward PolyPathological
Eco-Dysfunctional Over-MonoCulturally-DisPopulating Screaming Chaotic Voices 
of Deadly Irrational 
and Eternally Damned Dismay,
Fear of Internally/Externally Empty-Landscaped Fear
becoming Our EgoCompeting Selves.

EcoPresent Presence
speaks and acts,
nouns and verbs,
causes and double-bind effects,
our ToughLove tipping points,
teaching ourselves how we might win less anger and fear
to win more mutually loving peace
Internally cooperative intent 
and positive-willed mindbodies,
as Externally regenerative time-articulating
nondual co-arising gravitas,
timeless elating gratitude,
bicamerally balancing ecoconsciousness.