Love Poem: Touch Tender
Unseeking Seeker Avatar
Written by: Unseeking Seeker

Touch Tender

Touch tender has now gone extinct Nobody has the time Deadened hearts, no longer love inked Mankind’s deaf to love’s chime To be a child again Devoid of feral stain Mindful of other’s pain Mind bender Touch tender ~~~ Touch tender that once was the norm Is nowhere to be found Sharing, caring, endearment warm Now buried underground Fast pace makes life a blur Feeling not love throbs stir Unless head-head concur Heart mender Touch tender ~~~ Touch tender, not felt in a while Those once close, now distant So alone we trudge, mile by mile To love, hearts resistant We once walked together Love the binding tether Caring for each other Love blender Touch tender 06-April-2022 Triple Quietus