Love Poem: Too Soon Departed
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Written by: Carolyn Devonshire

Too Soon Departed

Slick seaweed captures her footprints. Rock jetty perils are concealed as a thick, salty shroud begins to lift. Waves’ power lures her. Above deep water she bends, chilled by spray and cool December winds, intoxicated by sea scents. The aroma carries her back, drifting to days and nights when bluefish aplenty they’d caught here. Memories of their laughter, playful, loving voices reverberate across the rocks. Tears she sheds for just four years of bliss. “Not long enough,” murmurs the young widow, a siren crooning to the waves for one more day. Lifting fog reveals a shooting star; many had stroked the black velvet heaven on romantic nights shared here. Recognizing the sign, she gently lifts the lid, disbursing his ashes, tenderly fulfilling his wish. He wanted to be one with the sea part of an eternal life they would soon share.
*Entry for Carol’s “Let Down” contest