Love Poem: Too Far Away?
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Written by: Leonard Taormina

Too Far Away?

“Too Far Away”?
Once upon a time in; the land of primp and pomp;
Lived a group of mixed inhabitants, who often yelled and stomped.
   They sang their little theme songs; to a melody of love;
   Yet sometimes with their comments; perhaps they just might shove.
The ladies had their little circles; of a membership elite;
And they had their welcome wagon; to welcome those they meet.
   The men would grab their banjos; and strum a little tune.
   They claimed to be misunderstood; and their divorce was coming soon.
Mrs. Rothenberg was running; for sheriff of the knoll;
Standing on a platform saying; the incumbent was too old.
   John boy at the daily news; was editor and chief;
   Making sure the type was set; for tomorrow’s new release.
Lady C was president; of “Lend A helping Hand;”
She collected pearls of wisdom; and helped out where she can.
   Mr. T the gambler; was looking for a loan;
   For because of careless gambling; he lost all he once owned.
Out there in the country side; lived the lady of the cups;
She dropped in every now and then; to comment while she sups.
   The villagers came every night; to gather in the square;
   And officials served their famous soup; so all could ease their cares.
Latter in the evening; it was time for open mike;
Some would offer up a poem; while others watched the site.
  People had opinions; of what they had just heard;
  Some would say hurray for you; while others yelled absurd.
One night when the moon was full; marched an army of contempt;
Led by captain doom and gloom, that came to circumvent.
  Documents were shredded; bleakness filled the heart;
  And the peoples inner structure; had been completely torn apart.
So if you come to join them now; bring an offering of love;
And remember captain doom and gloom; when you think you want to shove.