Love Poem: Together At Last Dancing With the Stars

Together At Last Dancing With the Stars

Stay up with me and gaze at the stars.
Far up and up,together we  gaze. 
Sinking into the view of connection. 
Stay up with me and share this connection.
Would you stay up and up with me, 
sharing the view of an astronaut. 

Running from the suns heat.
Running on jupiter,enjoying its mysterious beauty .
Off to mars, where we consume intoxicating green glowing goo.
Stumbling drunk to Pluto,creating ice sculptures of each others faces. 
Freezing mental pictures in our warm frame of mind. 
Stay here on Pluto my dearest, take my love it will keep you warm.
Ill soon be back. Off to saturn to steal its orbiting ring. Running back to pluto with a hang over. 

Damn those martians on mars!!!
I stoped on jupiter to vomit and back to pluto I arrived.
She says:baby,honey,my shining star iam glad your back.I am sorry I took so long.I kneeled to the ice and gazed at her eyes saying would you married me.Pulling out saturns ring and making it condense with the power of love.As I placed it on her finger a shooting star passed by.Then I asked her  would you stay up and up with me for eternity, gazing at the stars?she saide yes.

Together at last dancing with the stars.