Love Poem: To My Son,Charlie.
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Written by: Sharon Leonard

To My Son,Charlie.

To My Son,Charlie.

It's sad to say,but on that day,I felt as though my life...
Was not worth living anymore,there was panic,grief and strife.
But,I was so very young back then,and I had no idea...
The thought of being a Mother to you,just filled me with so much fear.
I tired to weigh,the pro's and con's,and how my life would be,
I was so confused and scared my Son,back then I could'nt see.
But over the years of seeing you grow,into such a special child,
I came to realise ,my precious,my thoughts,I had let run wild...
For you have come to grow and be,some-one,on whom I can depend,
To be a Son,a wonderful child,and a very special friend.

By Sharon.L.Leonard.  27th,July,2007.